Policy. Analysis. Advocacy.

landscape trees, houses/town in distance, sky; tagline: You help save the world. Who helps you?
Now available:

How Helvetas is Decarbonizing to Combat Climate Change

Blog about learning poverty and the World Bank’s measure to track illiteracy


photo of community people and text from blog

Reports, articles, white papers, blogs and social media postings

Background research via lit reviews, analysis of studies, review of policies, stakeholder interviews



Using data to find solutions and make decisions

Databases, spreadsheets, digital data collection and business intelligence tools (PowerBI)

Actionable information


Kobo Toolbox Training - Helvetas

Digital tools for data collection and analysis

Program management skills such as log frame development and outcome measurement

flow chart; demographic info to 1) MassHealth identified patients to prepopulated and can/can't be changed; 2) practice identified patients to prepopulated, both lead to Save and go to clinical eligibility section/save & return to queue or homepage

Logframes, M&E plans, indicators, theory of change

Outcome measurement / performance evaluation

Project management


Rebecca has driven and promoted the use of digital tools for Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) at Helvetas, an international development organization.

At her Digital M&E Academy, we not only learned the digital tools but improved our overall M&E skills and gained leadership training. Now we are Head Facilitators at Digital M&E Regional Academies, with Rebecca providing support, coaching and oversight.

Thanks to Rebecca, our countries' use of digital tools for M&E has increased, which is leading to more effective service provision, better outcomes and improved project management.

Linh Phan / Robin Orozco / Haric Hajric

MEAL specialist (Vietnam) / Asesor de Planificación, Monitoreo y Evaluación (Guatemala) / Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Officer (Bosnia and Herzegovina), Helvetas

See latest blogs below or go to Blog for all entries

Learning Poverty

Poverty - i.e., financial poverty - is exacerbated by other poverties. Food poverty, including hunger and malnutrition, lead to health problems that impact a person's potential earnings. Similarly, inadequate schooling hinders a person's ability to find work and earn...
map of world, countries in blue use biofortified crops

Small-scale farmers

The importance of small farmersMicro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a critical role in the food system in developing countries. Worldwide, SME farms produce approximately 50% of calories, over 85% of fruits and vegetables and about 80% of meat and...
water contaminated from mine

Mining: Bolivia’s environmental disaster

However, higher temperatures and fires are not what worries me the most. More severe damage to the environment, with long-term impacts, has been carried out for a long time now.

I am talking about the mining sector in Bolivia. This sector processes the minerals with very basic procedures and ­- in the case of gold – with great amounts of mercury, dumping mineral waste into rivers, contaminating the water, fish and all biodiversity in the river banks. Families downriver cannot eat the fish anymore and they even have high mercury levels in their bodies.

Digital tools for Monitoring & Evaluation

Data collection for development projects In rural areas far from internet service or in cities with electricity or internet access disrupted by violence or shortages, some #development projects still use paper and pen forms to collect information - primary stakeholder...
world map, colored in by anemia levels among women

How to increase large-scale food fortification (LSFF)

Lack of micronutrients causes diseases ranging from anemia to stunting in children as well as child mortality and cognitive deficiencies. One key intervention is large-scale food fortification (#LSFF), which adds #micronutrients to food staples such as rice, wheat and...